Legal Services

Wills and Estate Planning

Online Wills Limited Offer: 10% Discount on Wills *

Given the current economic impact of COVID-19 (notwithstanding the devastating health impact), Sherlock Legal is offering a 10% discount on Smarter Wills, Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA), Enduring Powers of Guardianship (EPG), and Advance Health Directives (AHD).
  • Now, more than ever, people are starting to consider what will happen to them if they die or become incapacitated due to illness or injury. How are their finances and property to be dealt with? Who decides what medical treatment they receive?, where they live? and so on.
  • Dealing with your estate planning while you have capacity is essential – once you have lost legal capacity you are unable to have your will prepared or appoint someone to be your attorney or Guardian. Additionally, signing legal documents is no longer available to you (in your personal capacity).
  • Now is the time to prepare for the worst – we all hope things won’t happen to us and those we care about, but if they do you can minimise the impact on your loved ones by being prepared in advance.
To take advantage of this offer and receive a 10% DISCOUNT simply book an appointment and quote the code Sherlock10.  *Terms and conditions apply.

Manage your estate.

How We
Can Help

Every person of or above 18 years of age should have a Will – irrespective of whether or not you have a lot of property. 

Most people do not know when it is that they will die and what property they will have at that time.

Even if you do have very little property at the time you die it is still beneficial to have a valid Will so that your Estate can be easily administered by the person you choose as executor and without all the complications that arise when there is no will in place.

In these uncertain times, a professionally drafted Will is more important than ever.

Avoid leaving a painful legacy. The cost, time, and stress involved in dealing with those problems can be debilitating, particularly at a time when your loved ones are grieving.

Organising your estate with a proper will is a gift to your family for after you pass.

helping you in family court

Drafting Wills


What's the risk of not having a valid Will?

If you do not have a valid Will then there is no person appointed to be the Executor.

What this means is that how your Estate is distributed, how much, and to whom, is determined by a piece of legislation (the Administration Act).

It is very unlikely that the legislative provisions would result in your Estate being distributed in the same way that you would have chosen if you had a Will.

Additionally, without a Will, creditors can apply to be the administrator of your Estate and if their interest is greater than that of any of your beneficiaries (as determined by the legislation) then the creditor will likely be appointed the administrator!

Benefit to having a Will done professionally.

Having your Will properly drafted gives you peace of mind that your wishes are validly expressed in the Will and that your desired outcomes are capable of being achieved.

In the Supreme Court of Western Australia decision of Gray -v- Gray [2013] WASC 387, Master Sanderson expressed the Court’s view on home made wills (which includes will kits):

“Home made wills are a curse…” “…There is no question but that engaging the services of a properly qualified and experienced lawyer to draft a will is money well spent.”

It is worth noting that the Court has no interest in helping lawyers obtain work, and is uniquely placed to make such comments due to having to deal with those that have not been properly drafted and the numerous, very costly, problems that arise as a result.

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Trust is key.

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* 10% Discount Offer: Terms and Conditions

  • Discount applies to the fixed fee determined for your matter (excludes disbursements – for e.g. Landgate lodgment fees, postage etc…)
  • ** PLEASE DO NOT book an in-person appointment if you have recently returned from international or interstate travel, you have been in contact with someone displaying respiratory symptoms or someone you suspect may have a respiratory illness.
  • *** Discount Code must be quoted at time of booking (if by telephone) or at the commencement of the appointment if booking is made online via our website.
  • Offer valid for Online and In-person appointments